Objective To investigate the treatment outcome of internal fixation of metacarpal and phalangeal fracture using titanium mini-plate. 目的比较采用克氏针内固定和微型钛板治疗掌、指骨骨折的临床效果。
Treatment of metacarpal and phalangeal fracture with Ni-Ti shape memory alloy embracing fixator 镍钛记忆合金环抱器治疗掌指骨骨折
Design and clinical application of a dual directional traction frame for the treatment of phalangeal fracture 治疗指骨骨折双向牵引架的设计及临床应用
Internal fixation using AO mini-plate for treatment of metacarpal or phalangeal fracture with early malpractice AO微型钢板治疗早期处理不当的掌指骨骨折
Restoration of thumb with degloving injury and phalangeal fracture using combined island flaps 联合岛状皮瓣修复合并指骨骨折的拇指套状撕脱
Effect of shape memory encircling bone plate used in comminuted phalangeal and metacarpal fracture 形状记忆环抱接骨板治疗掌指骨粉碎骨折
Treatment of Phalangeal Fracture with Elastic Traction 指骨骨折的弹力牵引治疗
Objective: To compare the effect and complication of microplate and Kirschner wire fixation for metacarpal and phalangeal fracture. 目的:比较微型钢板与克氏针内固定治疗手部骨折的疗效及并发症。